
2020 |
Journal article
adaptation KDKH Koshi basin livelihood floods climate change drought
Cascading adaptation of rural livelihood to changing environment: Conceptual framework and experiment from the Koshi River basin

Rural communities in the Koshi River basin, a trans-boundary river basin in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas, have been experiencing unprecedented difficulties for adapting with the livelihood challenges arising from floods, droughts and other climatic, environmental and socio-economic stresses. The single purpose adaptation approach often fails to address the multiple challenges arises from cascading effects of climate change at different scales and stages.

2019 |
Journal Article
floods disaster koshi KDKH Koshi basin
Flood risk assessment in the Kosi megafan using multi-criteria decision analysis: A hydro-geomorphic approach

Floods are one of the most devastating natural events that lead to enormous and recurring loss of life, properties, and resources around the globe. In India, floods remain a recurrent event during the monsoon season in many parts of the country but most seriously in the flat and monotonous Gangetic plains in the Himalayan foreland.

2019 |
Journal Article
Food security Environmental Economics KDKH agriculture floods climate change agriculture and food security India
Mapping agriculture dynamics and associated flood impacts in Bihar using time-series satellite data

Agriculture is the prime requirement for sustaining human life on earth, and agriculture sustainability depends on soil health and suitable climatic variations. Human have adopted many local-weather-dependent crop types and its cultivation patterns based on knowledge about long term climatic and environmental conditions. Any anomaly in these factors would result in unforeseen reduction in the food production and associated socio-economic chaos at local/regional to global scale.

2019 |
Journal Article
flood control koshi India water policy KDKH Koshi basin floods disaster
An integrated assessment of vulnerability to floods using composite index – a district level analysis for Bihar, India

Vulnerability assessment using composite indices provides critical information for the policymakers on why certain regions are impacted more than the others. Several researchers have assessed the vulnerability to hazard in diverse spatial and environmental settings, however, not many studies have assessed the vulnerability to flood hazards in Bihar, where flooding is a perennial event.

2019 |
Journal Article
floods koshi India KDKH Koshi basin
Flood risk assessment in South Asia to prioritize flood index insurance applications in Bihar, India

Floods cause catastrophic destruction to life and livelihood in South Asia than any other parts of the world. This research assessed long term (2001 to 2015) flood risk at South Asia level using eight-day Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data and subsequently expanded this methodology to identify potential zones for piloting flood index insurance scheme in Bihar, India.

2019 |
Journal Article
Koshi basin floods disaster koshi India KDKH
A comparison of frequency ratio and fuzzy logic models for flood susceptibility assessment of the lower Kosi river basin in India

The Kosi megafan region of eastern Bihar, India, comprising of eight districts, is regularly afflicted by large floods that cause extensive damage. Mapping the possible inundation susceptible zones in the region accurately is, therefore, paramount for land resource conservation and livelihood preservation. This paper compares the relative efficiency of two flood zonation methods, the frequency ratio and fuzzy logic models, for flood susceptibility evaluation and delineation.