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Adaptation and Resilience Building
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Capability for the Hindu Kush Himalaya (REEECH) works to expand the adoption of green energy solutions among HKH communities and enterprises.
At a glance
Improved access to modern, affordable, and reliable energy services and enhanced safeguarding of essential mountain ecosystem services in the HKH region
Mewang Gyeltshen
Programme Coordinator
Our focus
The HKH region has vast potential for hydropower and other sources of renewable energy. Yet, it remains energy-poor. We aim to improve access to renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions to build climate-resilient mountain livelihoods in the HKH.
Nearly 370 million people in the region do not have access to electricity, and about 1.8 billion people rely on traditional, polluting biomass fuels for energy. To address challenges related to energy use and availability in the mountain context, ICIMOD collaborated with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with financial support from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), to establish REEECH as a regional centre of excellence on Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL).
REEECH will provide a coordination mechanism to foster South–South cooperation for improved access to decentralized sustainable energy solutions for HKH communities. We will actively promote the scaling up of climate-resilient sustainable energy markets, industries, and innovation customized for the mountainous areas of the HKH.
The first operational phase of REEECH will run from November 2018 through 2022.
Improved access to mountain specific, modern, affordable and reliable and appropriate RE&EE solutions, to meet the energy security needs of mountain populations as well as enhanced safeguarding of essential mountain ecosystem services in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region
All regional member countries
We are pleased to present this interactive energy dashboard, developed with generous support from the ADA, UNIDO, FCDO, and SIDA. The dashboard shares comprehensive and reliable statistics on the energy profiles from ICIMOD’s eight Regional Member Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.
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We are pleased to present this interactive energy dashboard, developed with generous support from the ADA, UNIDO, FCDO, and SIDA.
The dashboard shares comprehensive and reliable statistics on the energy profiles from ICIMOD’s eight Regional Member Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. The consolidated analytical information is based on collated secondary data available in the public domain. The REEECH Initiative does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the facts and figures, and the sources of information are fully referenced.
The information has been structured to present national statistics and trends in energy supply mix, consumption patterns, progress against SDG 7, and cross-country comparisons. The dashboard also presents mountain-specific profiles based on available information and geospatial data to enable policy makers, developers, and entrepreneurs to design well-informed interventions.
This dashboard is designed to help bridge the gap in mountain-specific information on energy, which has restricted the ability of respective governments to plan informed interventions; promote improved access to modern, renewable, affordable, and reliable energy services; address energy poverty; capitalize on significant renewable energy resource endowments; and catalyse socioeconomic development to its full potential.
Working in close cooperation with relevant agencies and active players from the eight Regional Member Countries, it is our resolve to make this platform a regional repository and resource centre that houses latest updated information, innovations, and best practices in renewable energy and energy efficiency. We hope the dashboard can bring the latest national energy statistics under a one-stop portal to enable policy makers, investors, and entrepreneurs to make informed decisions.
Since the energy field is rapidly evolving, we will work to continuously update and add to the information on this dashboard.
Request for proposal
ICIMOD’s REEECH Initiative is issuing this request for proposals for an institutional consultancy to conduct a feasibility assessment of 50 potential sites in Nepal for lift irrigation system to utilise power generated from micro-hydro plants (MHPs).
Energy poverty remains a central challenge to sustainable development efforts in the HKH region and has been a focus of international-level efforts since 2015. A range of barriers – including policy and regulatory obstacles, outdated technology, and a lack of capacity and of finance – have prevented the region from utilizing existing and potential renewable energy sources to offer decentralized sustainable energy solutions in off-grid mountain areas.
News and features
Nepal Communitere is an open and inclusive innovation hub for bold innovators and creative changemakers. As a vibrant community resource center we offer coworking, makerspace, training lab, and business incubation services to help people turn their brilliant ideas into reality.
ICIMOD, IRENA and SELCO jointly organized this virtual dissemination workshop to discuss the findings of the assessment study carried out…
Dr Ramesh A Vaidya on the role of mini-grids in delivering electricity in the HKH region. Ramesh Vaidya, “Regional connectivity and cross-border energy trade in the BBIN region: Implications for sustainable mountain development,”
Moving Mountains
We have a deep history of work across a broad range of issues enabling sustainable development in the complex environment of the HKH. We have been protecting the pulse for over three decades.
People in the HKH face economic and institutional water scarcity in areas where water is plentiful but inaccessible. The inaccessibility is caused by a lack of rural electrification or irrigation infrastructure in the plains and because springs are increasingly drying up in the Himalayan mid-hills.
Low access to electricity and heavy reliance on traditional solid fuels for domestic cooking and heating are the hallmarks of poverty in the HKH.
Events around the HKH
You will find publications produced or related to this Initiative in HimalDoc, our publications repository. These resources include journal articles, books, book chapters, research reports, working papers, brochures, information sheets, and publicity materials, among other products.