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自人类首登世界之巅70 年以来,珠穆朗玛——藏语意为“女神、世界之母”,或者,萨加玛塔——尼泊尔语,意为 “天空之顶”,正在经历前所未有且基本不可逆的变化。
在兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区,高海拔山脉的变暖速度是全球的两倍。科学家们提醒,预计在未来五年内将升温 1.5度,这将危及这个至关重要的生物群落区。
20 亿人,包括数百万面临长期饥饿的人,都依赖这些山区的冰川融雪作为饮用水及灌溉庄稼的来源。该地区坐拥多种景观地形,被无数物种种群视为栖息地。
由于化石燃料燃烧、农业和森林砍伐产生的排放物正在使地球变暖,导致横跨兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区的 54,000 座冰川中的三分之二,总面积达 6,000 立方公里的冰川正面临消融的风险。
科学家们提醒,未来五年的气温升高将跨过 1.5°C 的门槛——即使只是暂时的——全球变暖有可能使兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区遭遇浩劫:危及山区 2.4 亿人和下游 20 亿人的生命和生计。
在短短六十年里,珠峰附近冰川的冰层变薄了 100 多米。自 2009 年以来,其速度几乎翻了一番。位于珠峰地区的伊姆贾湖(Imja Lake)是尼泊尔最危险的冰川湖之一。 昆布冰川是大多数探险的标志性起点,而它正岌岌可危,濒临融化。
在人类首登珠峰 70 年之际,我们——代表山区、登山者和科学家——站在世界之巅,呼吁各国政府,商界领袖,以及世界各地的每个男人、女人和孩子齐心协力保护地球上的山、雪与冰。
对于占世界总人口的四分之一的那些生活或依赖于兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区的居民来说,即使升温 1.5 度也太热了,每摄氏度的微小变化都很重要。我们敦促所有国家的领导人:应兑现快速和深度减排的承诺,停止开发煤炭、天然气和石油勘探,并加速向可再生能源过渡。
We invite you to lend your voice and show your support by updating your Facebook and LinkedIn cover photos. By doing so, you’ll help us spread the word far and wide.
Let’s make our profiles stand out and inspire others to join the cause!
Here’s how you can get involved:
Update your Facebook and LinkedIn cover photos: Every cover photo change counts!
Share your passion through posts: Use one of our carefully crafted captions below to express your Social Media Posts
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🚨ATTENTION: The Hindu Kush Himalaya region is undergoing unprecedented and largely irreversible change, driven by global warming.
If we do not take urgent action to #SaveOurSnow, two-thirds of glaciers in the region will disappear before the end of this century. There is no time left.
In the 70 years since Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay first scaled Everest, rising global temperatures have put the mountain in danger.
In the next 70 years, two-thirds of glaciers on the region’s mountains will disappear if we do not take urgent action to #SaveOurSnow
The climate emergency is here and now for Mount Everest and for the people and nature across the Hindu Kush Himalaya.
The adverse impacts of climate change are already upending lives and devastating livelihoods across the region, as seen in the floods in Pakistan last year.
We need urgent global action to #SaveOurSnow and ice before it’s too late.
⚠️WARNING:Breaching the 1.5 degrees threshold enshrined in the Paris Agreement will unleash catastrophe across the Hindu Kush Himalayas: jeopardising the lives and livelihoods of 240 million people in the mountains and 2 billion more people downstream.
We need leaders to decarbonise now to #SaveOurSnow and ice.
The Hindu Kush Himalaya is home to the world’s highest peaks and contains the largest volume of ice on earth after the polar regions. However, despite servicing a quarter of the world’s population, the impacts of climate change on the region are under-documented.
@ICIMOD, the leading institute dedicated to mountain communities and the environment, is calling on everyone who cares about the region to highlight the impacts of climate change by sharing your stories and photographs from the mountains over the years.
From the top of the world, let’s make sure we’re heard.
Spread the word through stories: Share your dedication with your followers on Instagram stories. Upload a photo or video showcasing your support for the cause, tag ICIMOD, and use the hashtag #SaveOurSnow. Together, we’ll amplify our message and inspire action!
Note: By participating in this campaign, you grant ICIMOD permission to share your posts, stories, and images related to the #SaveOurSnow campaign on their social media platforms and website.