Media Coverage

25 Jun 2024 |

近日,第四届全球可持续研究与创新大会(SRI 2024)在芬兰赫尔辛基开幕,来自世界各地的逾两千名专家学者和行业精英齐聚一堂,共商可持续的联合研究与创新之道。

17 Jun 2024 |
Wildfires are raging in Nepal — climate change isn’t the only culprit

Fire predictions pushed to locals’ smartphones could save forests, and lives, say researchers.

22 May 2024 |
Ground Report
renewable energy Building the capacity for sustainable mountain development Climate change Clean energy access AAC: Transforming livelihoods and economies SG2 | Resilient Economies and Landscapes Solar Pumps Water News Nepal
Solar Power in Mountain Nation Nepal and Missing Science-Based Information to Locals

Solar energy is one of the sources of electricity needed to maintain sustainable energy demand and tackle the threat posed by climate change. Nepal targets to produce 15,000MW of energy by 2030.

21 May 2024 |
The Nepal Weekly
ICIMOD collaborates with Red Cross to develop Prakop Alert to forecast natural disaster

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the Nepal Red Cross Society have collaborated to develop a new mobile app to strengthen community resilience and disaster preparedness in Nepal.

7 May 2024 |
Deccan Herald
NASA AAB: Action for clean air SERVIR-HKH Nepal
ICIMOD collaborates with NASA to monitor air quality in the Hindu Kush Himalayas

The training will feature multi-satellite blended products, addressing issues like cloud cover, emphasising blending multi-satellite data for wider coverage and assimilating it into forecasting models.

7 May 2024 |
N Air pollution solutions SERVIR-HKH
NASA and ICIMOD join forces with regional stakeholders to build clearer picture of air quality in global pollution hotspot

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu has partnered with NASA and USAID to leverage space technology to monitor air quality and empower decision-makers.