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ICIMOD at the High Mountain Summit

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in collaboration with partners including the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), is convening a High Mountain Summit (HMS) to foster high-level dialogue and engage decision makers and local actors to develop a roadmap to science-based, user-driven knowledge and information systems. This roadmap will support sustainable development and risk reduction in mountain and downstream regions.

A series of six segments will lead to the final outcome of the summit: a Call for Action on High Mountain Weather, Climate, and Water; a roadmap of activities and potential engagements; and the identification of two to three priority pilot projects.

A delegation from ICIMOD comprising the Director General and senior scientists will be speaking during different sessions at the summit.

ICIMOD will also organize a side event on “Cryosphere and society in the Hindu Kush Himalaya” at the HMS. The side event will share and discuss key messages from the “International forum on the cryosphere and society: The voice of the HKH” held in Kathmandu, Nepal, in August 2019 to amplify the voice of the HKH in the context of the HMS and highlight the HKH Call to Action.

ICIMOD engagement at HMS

Segment 1: Drivers for action 

The societal benefits and urgency of coordinated and sustainable hydrometeorological and climate services in high mountain regions, and linkages to the post-2015 agenda for global policy

Date and time: Tuesday, 29 October 2019; 09:30–12:30

Venue: Salle Obasi, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland

Speaker from ICIMOD:David Molden

Segment 2: Stakeholders and needs

Identifying priority user needs for socially relevant, urgently needed knowledge and information in support of risk reduction in mountain and downstream regions, adaptation to climate change, and sustainable development of mountain regions

Date and time: Tuesday, 29 October 2019; 14:30–17:30

Venue: Salle Obasi, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland

Panel member from ICIMOD: Mandira Shrestha 

Segment 3: Closing the capacity gap

Prerequisites for closing the capacity gap on user-oriented and fit-for-purpose prediction and services for weather, hydrology, and climate in changing mountain environments

Time and date: 30 October 2019, 09:00–10:40

Venue: Salle Obasi, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland

Panel member from ICIMOD: Ghulam Rasul

Side event 1:Cryosphere and society in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

Location: Salle C2, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland

Date and time: 30 October 2019, 12:00–13:30 P.M CEST

The side event on “Cryosphere and society in the Hindu Kush Himalaya” at the High Mountain Summit (HMS) will share and discuss key messages from the forum to amplify the voice of the HKH in the context of the HMS and highlight the HKH Call to Action.

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