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Ilam, Nepal
20 March 2017 to 21 March 2017
The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD Programme) is a collaborative effort between FAO, UNDP and UN Environment. It builds on the convening power of its participating UN agencies, their diverse expertise and vast networks, and “delivers as One UN”. Within the partnership, FAO supports countries on technical issues related to the four elements of REDD+ according to the Cancun Agreements of the UNFCCC, including National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS), Forest Reference Levels (FRLs) and REDD+ Strategy development, including the identification, planning and piloting of Policies and Measures (PAMs) designed to achieve Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reductions and/or removals under the national REDD+ Strategy.
Nepal joined the UN-REDD programme in 2009 as an observer country. Since then, Nepal has made active contributions towards the global REDD+ agenda. Led by the REDD+ Implementation Centre (REDD IC) of the Ministry of Forestry and Soil Conservation (MoFSC), Nepal developed a Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) and has been implementing a programme of Readiness activities since 2011 mainly through the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) of the World Bank, and several bilateral initiatives. A number of gaps in the R-PP and strategy development process were identified by the REDD IC and other stakeholders, and noted in the Mid Term Review of the FCPF programme in October 2013. To address these gaps, the REDD IC submitted a Targeted Support (TS) request to the UN-REDD Programme in 2014. As part of this request, FAO agreed to provide technical assistance in the ‘Development of Monitoring Protocols for REDD+ Policies and Measures (PAMs) using Proxy Indicators’.
This technical assistance was implemented through a LoA with ICIMOD, and focused on the development of a District REDD+ Action Plan (DRAP) in Chitwan district, through which the key ‘intervention packages’ (IPs) for implementing REDD+ PAMs in the district were identified. The methodology for this process built on guidance developed through the UN-REDD Viet Nam phase II programme. The Chitwan DRAP has since been endorsed by district authorities and REDD IC, and the DRAP approach has been adopted by REDD IC/MoFSC/WWF for the preparation of Nepal’s Emissions Reduction Programme Document (ER-PD) throughout the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL), to be financed through the Carbon Fund of the FCPF. To allow for the potential future application of the methodology to other administrative levels, the MoFSC has adopted the methodology under the acronym LRAP (Local REDD+ Action Plans).
In order to build on the success of this intervention, a proposal was submitted by FAO to RIC in July 2016 for use of additional FAO/UN-REDD funds for technical assistance, including replication of the DRAP methodology in another district, Ilam and the initiation of one of the IPs under the Chitwan DRAP.
The objectives of the two days district level consultation workshop are to:
The workshop will be attended by district level REDD+ stakeholders, community forest user groups, district level government institutions, NGOs and civil societies, representatives from the MoFSC, REDD IC and ICIMOD. Around 50 participants will be attending this two-day workshop.
Sufficient information and understanding on land use change will be discussed. Also discussed and identified will be enhancement activities, and current and planned activities in the district to address drivers of D&FD. These will provide the baseline information necessary for developing the District REDD+ Action Plan (DRAP). Thus the workshop will contribute to processes which will lead to the development of the district-level REDD+ Strategy.