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Regional REDD+ Initiative: 2nd Regional Review and Planning Meeting for REDD+ Himalaya





Date & Time

17 October 2016 to 22 October 2016

Basant Pant


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), a regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge centre, engaged Nepali communities in carbon forestry in 2003 and later on implemented the REDD+ project 2009-2013. Based on these experiences and the growing interest of RMCs, ICIMOD launched in 2013 REDD+ Himalaya in Bhutan, India, Myanmar and Nepal to support the ongoing REDD+ readiness.

REDD+ Himalaya project under its Regional REDD+ Initiative of Transboundary Landscapes is currently being implemented by ICIMOD and the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). This project supports partner countries to improve framework conditions for socially and ecologically appropriate REDD+ measures to mitigate climate change. As countries are at different stages of implementation, this initiative recognises the need to build common Regional theory of change and impact pathways while supporting them in their respective REDD+ readiness phase. This is being done by forging cooperation through a regional platform for promoting south-south learning on REDD+ in this region.


A regional workshop was organised September 2015 by ICIMOD where partner countries came together to assess: country specific REDD+ readiness requirements, develop annual activity along with monitoring and evaluation plans, build partnership strategy, and design a communication and knowledge management strategy.


  • to develop REDD+ regional theory of change and impact pathways
  • to review and share progress made with reference to operational calendar
  • to review monitoring and evaluation plans and any deviations from the plan
  • to review and update REDD+ communication and knowledge management strategy

Expected Outcomes

  • endorsement of REDD+ Regional Theory of Change and Impact Pathways
  • a complete draft of consolidated regional annual plan for REDD+ Himalaya
  • monitoring and evaluation plan is reviewed and endorsed by partner countries
  • review and update REDD+ communication and knowledge management strategy


  • Bhutan: Forest Resources Management Division, Department of Forest and Park Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
  • India: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, represented by the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)
  • Myanmar: Ministry of Natural Resource and Environmental Conservation, through Forest Research Institute
  • Nepal: Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, through REDD+ Implementation Centre
  • Pakistan: Department of Forest and Wildlife

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