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REDD+ Implementation Centre Nepal – 2nd National Review and Planning Meeting




Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal

Date & Time

04 October 2016 to 05 October 2016

Basant Pant


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development’s (ICIMOD) Regional REDD+ Initiative, under its REDD+ Himalaya component, facilitates the ‘REDD+ readiness’ processes of the member countries (Bhutan, India, Myanmar, and Nepal) at various scales through capacity building and knowledge sharing. In Nepal, ICIMOD’s REDD+ Initiative, is working in collaboration with REDD+ Implementation Centre (REDD IC), Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MoFSC) in Gorkha, Dolakha and Chitwan districts. The major implementing works under this partnership are:

  • to address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and to unlock the bottlenecks for forest enhancement and conservation.
  • to develop capacity for implementing REDD+ at the landscape level.
  • to establish subnational institutional structures (REDD desk, REDD working groups) in Gorkha, Dolakha and Chitwan to ensure the sustainability of REDD+ implementation at the subnational level.
  • to implement Innovative livelihood initiations in three REDD pilot districts.

In this connection, REDD IC is organising a 2nd national review and planning meeting at Dhulikhel, Kavre 4-5 October 2016.

The rationale of the meeting is to prepare a comprehensive plan for next implementation phase of the collaborative REDD+ activities.


The overall objective of the meeting and workshop is to understand the current status of REDD+ activities in pilot districts (Gorkha, Dolakha and Chitwan) and to discuss activity plans for the coming implementation phase.

The specific objectives are to

  • share the progress and lessons learnt from activities in pilot districts.
  • formulate the activities for coming implementation phase that syncs with national REDD+ initiatives and programmes.
  • discuss a way forward in relation to effective implementation and documentation of REDD+ activities.


The participants of the workshop will be from the national coordination committee (NCC) of REDD+ Himalaya project, ICIMOD’s Regional REDD+ Initiative and REDD Implementation Centre Nepal (REDD IC) and District Forest Officers and members of District Federation of Community Forest User Groups Nepal (FECOFUN) from pilot districts.