
Indus Knowledge Partnership Platform (IKPP) is a comprehensive repository of existing knowledge on the Indus basin.


Indus Basin Initiative


Indus Knowledge Partnership Platform (IKPP)

The Indus Knowledge Partnership Platform (IKPP) is a comprehensive repository of existing knowledge on the Indus River basin. This partnership-based platform offers access to a wide range of knowledge products, data and tools, and brings together fragmented knowledge and data from the basin countries to improve understanding of basin-level issues related to water, cryosphere, and land.

The aim is to share knowledge and facilitate discussions around questions such as:

  • How is climate and socioeconomic change affecting the Indus River basin?
  • What are the ongoing research efforts on climate, water, and climate change induced hazard issues in the basin?
  • What adaptation activities are being tested or implemented with communities?
  • How can we inform and influence policy to support resilience building and adaptation to climate change in the basin?


What does the platform aim to achieve?

By enhancing the current knowledge base, the platform will support scientific research and collaboration, assist policy and decision making, and provide evidence-based reporting. In addition, the platform will facilitate knowledge exchange and foster interaction between thematic experts, junior researchers, and students on the issues of climate, hydrology, cryosphere, and environmental hazards in the basin. By engaging a range of audiences, including scientists and scholars, policy and decision makers, media and community organizations, the platform will contribute towards bridging gaps in practice, policy, and science communications.


How to use the platform?

  • Browse and download a range of datasets on the basin – physiography, temperature change, precipitation, hydrology, glacier, snow cover, hydropower and solar energy
  • Browse and download knowledge products on climate change, hydrology, water management, hazards, and climate change adaptation
  • Contribute to the pool of knowledge by sharing/submitting your research publications and/or related knowledge products on the basin
  • Browse our lists of experts and seek suggestions for your areas of research


Our focus

Knowledge synthesis

We synthesize a wide range of relevant policies and evidence-based knowledge products, and package them for diverse audiences

Knowledge exchange

We invite individuals and institutions within and beyond the basin countries to share and build on existing knowledge

Knowledge partnership

We join hands with partners from academia, governments, and media to ensure knowledge on the basin reaches wide and encourages climate friendly decision-making

Indus Knowledge Partnership Platform

Data portal

Access and download a wide range of datasets on climate change, hydrology, and physiography of the Indus River basin.

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IKPP Geoapps


IKPP Datasets

IKPP Climate change
Climate change
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IKPP Hydrology
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IKPP glacier
Glacier area
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IKPP Physiography
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IKPP Solar
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ikpp hydropower
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Browse by topics

Publications in HimalDoc

ikpp spatial data
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ikpp non spatial
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Indus Knowledge Partnership Platform
Water resource management
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Mountain communities rely on agriculture, tourism, and remittance
Climate change adaptation
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Hazards and risks
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Glacier mass balance modelling using R
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RMS team
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Connect with experts

Write to experts and seek suggestions on your related area of interest!

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In focus


For this issue of Indus ‘In focus’, we’re excited to feature Amanullah Khan, caretaker of the Community-Based Flood Early Warning System (CBFEWS), from Passu, Gojal, Hunza, in Pakistan.

Amanullah’s story showcases how community knowledge, leadership, and mobilisation are instrumental in aiding technological solutions for preparedness and response in disaster-prone areas.

Hailing from the mountains, Amanullah has witnessed how glaciers have increasingly succumbed to climate change impacts over the years. “In summers, the glacier flow increases and remains very uncertain and volatile. There have been instances where we have seen water flow increase abruptly in the winter as well,” he shares.

Amanullah also recounts how the community has been sitting on the edge of fear of disasters induced by such climatic events, particularly the occurrence of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). He adds, “In my lifetime, I’ve witnessed four GLOF incidences. They’ve caused great havoc for the local people and destroyed lives, livelihoods, and livestock.”

Simple solutions such as CBFEWS can help reduce the impacts of floods by providing warning signals to the community when water levels are high. After receiving the signals, the community responds by evacuating to places of safety before the flood hits.

Amanullah has played an integral role in establishing the CBFEWS system in Passu. “I was involved with identifying the site and installing the system. Upon the recommendations of my elders and peers, I was also appointed as the caretaker. I ensure the maintenance of the system, and during disaster events, promptly disseminate information to the downstream community after receiving the warning from the system.”

Amanullah is also pleased with the community’s increasing alertness to flood warning signals. He recalls an incident where his team reached the sensor area to double-check the information after being alerted by a siren. It was a false alarm triggered by a block of ice that had obstructed the water flow, causing the water level to rise only in front of the sensor. The community has provided immense support to help him ensure the credibility of the information and in preventing instances of panic and chaos downstream. The community has also been proactive in response preparedness if flood warning signals are detected. “I’m happy the community has placed their trust in the system and that they’re well-aware of the effective evacuation mechanisms. Women, children, elderly, and persons with disabilities are prioritised”, he shares.

He believes that government ownership plays an important role in scaling for wider impact; he notes, “The Gilgit-Baltistan Disaster Management Authority, as the relevant government authority, could allocate resources to out scale this technology to other vulnerable villages.”

Leadership from community focal persons like Amanullah shows that CBFEWS systems work best when the community-led communication network is strong, ownership builds, and preparedness grows.

We are keen on further collaborating with community, partners, and authorities in expanding the system to other disaster-prone areas in the Indus basin and contributing to saving more lives and livelihoods!

Learn more about the CBFEWS system: https://www.icimod.org/mountain/cbfews/

Who are our partners?

Our partners support us in community interventions for climate change adaptation, contribute to an enhanced understanding of climate change issues in the Indus River basin, and also help broaden our avenues for policy-influence.

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ibkp partners


Submit relevant resources!

Share your work such as publications, images, videos, or any other knowledge products related to the Indus River basin that we could add to the portal.

[contact-form-7 id=”28862″ title=”IKPP contribute form”]


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Frequently asked questions

While we appreciate students looking to submit their research, we are not a publishing platform and will not be able to publish your thesis. However, if you do have a published work, we encourage you to share it so that we can add it to our knowledge base, including photos/videos, or any other knowledge products that would help us learn more about the Indus River basin. You can contribute here.

Yes, we will be happy to add it to the pool of publications that we have organized along various thematic categories. Our Review Team will go through the copyright guidelines of the published work, and we will include it in the platform if the content is appropriate and the copyright allows for it.

We are working on making all the datasets downloadable. Currently, the majority of our datasets can be accessed and downloaded here.

We are continuously working to expand our knowledge base to include a wide range of publications on the Indus basin. Currently, we have more than 200 publications covering but not limited to, climate change, hazard and risks, water resource management and adaptation. You can browse the publications here.

If you think any publication should be included in the platform, please reach out to us at indus@icimod.org. We will include if it meets the guidelines and suitability.

We thank you for your interest in reaching out to an expert. If you haven’t received a response, please write to us at indus@icimod.org so that we can direct you to a relevant expert.

You can write to the expert about a potential opportunity based on your interest. However, IKPP cannot take responsibility for ensuring the internship or provide support in the required processes.

While our current contributions mostly focus on publications, our Review Team is also looking to create opportunities where users could also contribute data. Please be on the lookout for guidelines on contributing data, for which you will be duly acknowledged.

Please write to us at indus@icimod.org.

The topics range from physiography, climate (temperature, precipitation), cryosphere, water resource management, renewable energy potential, hazards and risks, to climate change adaptation in the Indus basin.

Since we focus on enhancing knowledge on climate change issues in the Indus, we highly recommend publications that focus on or are closely related to the Indus River basin. If the geographic focus of the publication is not on the Indus River basin but the methodology and results are relevant to the basin, we may include it in the platform. Our team will go through the publication and review its relevance to the basin and the platform.

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