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1 May 2019 | DFAT Brahmaputra

Refresher training for spring management partners in Bhutan

The Government of Bhutan’s 12th Five-Year Plan identifies spring revival and springshed management as priority areas and the Watershed Management Division (WMD), Department of Forest and Park Services is undertaking spring revival activities. Continuing its support to the Government of Bhutan in reviving drying springs, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) organized a refresher training for the staff of the WMD and the College of Natural Resources in Bhutan from 15 to 22 April 2019. The training involved 16 invited participants directly involved in spring reviving and management activities in Bhutan who had previously attended similar trainings organized by ICIMOD.

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Participants with Madhav Dhakal (centre), Associate Hydrologist – Water and Air, ICIMOD, one of the experts who facilitated the training (Photo: WMD)

Experts from ICIMOD and the Advanced Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM) facilitated the refresher training which included a theoretical session on data presentation, and field-based training on aquifer mapping in two pilot spring sites: Lungshukha spring in Wangdue Phodrang Dzongkhag and Darey Chhu spring in Sarpang Dzongkhag, Bhutan.

The training built on the participants’ prior experiences and provided in-depth hands-on training on hydrogeological mapping in spring sites, and plotting and delineating of natural recharge areas of spring sites using Google Earth software. The training enabled the participants to design different recharge interventions in recharge areas. Following the training, the participants will visit their respective field sites and collect additional information on the hydrogeology and socioeconomics situation. They will then initiate activities to implement the Spring Revival Protocol in Bhutan. ICIMOD and ACWADAM will continue to provide technical support on an as-needed basis.

Participants of the refresher training heading for the onsite hands-on training (Photo: WMD)

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