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3D or Vertical Farming

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Taking vegetables to a third dimension seems like the stuff of sci-fi movies, but in reality there are very effective 3D or vertical vegetable farming techniques!

3D or #verticalfarming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers and allow crops to be grown round the year, as it is not weather dependent.

3D or vertical farming helps farmers conserve resources and develop sustainable methods of growing vegetable crops throughout the year.

Our Knowledge Park at Godavari demonstrates 3D or vertical vegetable farming techniques to visitors to promote and provide information on how farmers can increase crop yield. The technology is suitable for small landholding farmers and also for urban and/or rooftop farming.

To start 3D/vertical farming, one can re-use cement sacks or jute bags to grow vegetables. For something more permanent, dedicated vertical farming structures can built using bamboo poles (four pieces), jute bags, mesh wire, binding wire, and 2-inch cylinder pipes that is 40-45 ft. long. The objective of vertical farming is to increase vegetable crop yield (by more than 10 to 20 times) within same land area. It is also an inexpensive and effective way of growing organic vegetables.

#UrbanFarming #OrganicAgriculture #SimpleSolutions #Agriculture

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