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9 Jul 2021 | REEECH

Tourism and renewable energy

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3rd_Place: solar panel and tent perfectly harmonized with nature. This could be a great solution for changing world and one good example of promoting eco-tourism.

Innovation with economic, social, and environmental value

Tourism and renewable energy

In Nepal, eight tourism entrepreneurs are engaged in building and showcasing their innovative business models as part of our work with Nepal Communitere and the SELCO Foundation in a short-term project called the Tourovation Hub. With technical advice and support from government bodies, organizations, companies, and experts representing the leading renewable energy and sustainable business landscape in Nepal, these entrepreneurs are co-designing business prototypes that integrate renewable energy and energy efficiency. These business models create and sustain economic value while also bringing social and environmental value in the tourism sector, which remains a key sector for mountain communities across the HKH.

The Sankriti Farm & Research Centre, located in Dhulikhel of Kavre District in Nepal is one of the entrepreneurs taking part in the Tourovation Hub, seeking to develop a renewable energy demonstration park for recreation, research, and training. While they have in use biogas for cooking and a small solar unit feeding into an inverter, they are seeking in the short term to expand their use of renewable energy sources for lighting in their homestay dwellings and in the office and seeking in the long term to promote multiple clean energy solutions. Within the Tourovation Hub, Sanskriti Farm was able to develop a sustainable business plan which they can now pitch to receive green financing required to fully operate their business and use a seed grant to test their renewable energy solutions.

With technical advice and support from various agencies and renewable energy experts, entrepreneurs are co-designing business prototypes that integrate renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Tourism and renewable energy

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