Chi Huyen Truong

Programme Coordinator - Himalayan University Consortium (HUC)
Regional action and global advocacy (SG3)
Regional data, networks and institutions (SG3-AAE)

Bio coming soon.

Chi Huyen Truong


How do you protect the pulse of the planet?


I limit my own meat consumption, grow vegetables on my balcony and teach my son to care for the earth.


What is your favorite part of the work you do at ICIMOD?


Opportunities to make a difference with lasting impact for the HKH mountains and its people.


What are you passionate about?




My qualifications


I am an anthropologist by training (PhD, U of Toronto, 2001; Post Doctoral, Harvard, 2006), and conducted ethnographic research on social memory, gender, and education for indigenous/ethnic minority children; child poverty; and post-disaster livelihoods recovery and resilience in Cambodia, the Philippines, and Nepal. I taught in the Vietnam National University and Vietnam’s Academy of Social Sciences and served as the Lead Qualitative Researcher for Young Lives, an international study of childhood poverty by Oxford University. Before joining ICIMOD, I was active in building a regional network of Southeast Asian scholars and contributing in inter-disciplinary curriculum building, training and international collaborative research projects funded by The Toyota Foundation, The Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.