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The training is intended to help in the smooth and efficient implementation of activities under our Resilient Mountain Solutions (RMS) and related activities in Bhutan. Upon completion of the training, participants will acquire skills in facilitating participatory natural resources planning and data management.
Resilient Mountain Solutions & Regional Programme on Adaptation and Resilience Building
MS Teams
11 August 2021 to 13 August 2021
In collaboration with the National Centre for Organic Agriculture (NCOA), and the Department of Agriculture (DoA), Bhutan, we are organizing a training on participatory natural resources management planning and data management. Young researchers and extension workers from NCOA, Agriculture Research and Development Centers (ARDC) of Wengkhar and Samteling, and selected Dzongkhags (districts) will be participating in the training.
50 young researchers and extension workers from different offices will participate in the training. The organizers shall strive for a gender balance among participants.
Moderator: Tshering Zam, Bhutan Focal, Resilient Mountain Solutions, NCOA, DoA, Bhutan Co-facilitator: Kamal Aryal, Agrobiodiversity Analyst, Ecosystem Services, ICIMOD
Purnamita Dasgupta, Ecosystems Services, ICIMOD