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12 Jan 2022 | Cryosphere

Piloting permafrost research in Humla

Prasant Baral

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Team at Halji (L-R): Jitendra Bajracharya, Prashant Baral, Miriam Jackson, Thinley Tamang, and Khenrap Lama.
8 Mar 2017 Blog
Water Scarcity and Women’s Lives: an Observation from the Field

Recently, while on a research trip studying adaptive water governance under the Himalayan Adaption, Water and Resilience ...

18 Feb 2021 Cryosphere
Studying glaciers during the pandemic

Context A small team of researchers from ICIMOD and the French National Research Institute (IRD), completed the annual field expedition to ...

A new generation of water experts: Watershed management professionals in Nepal to focus on reviving drying springs

Over the past four decades, since the Soil Conservation and Management Act came into force in 1982, government bodies in ...

10 Jun 2020 Cryosphere
Ice-dammed lake in Hunza created by Shisper Glacier surge breached for the second time in 2020

Clearly reinforcing the critical importance of glacier monitoring, an ice-dammed lake formed by the surging of Shisper Glacier breached for ...

11 Nov 2020 Cryosphere
New glacial lake inventory report released, 47 potentially dangerous glacial lakes ranked

A new glacial lake inventory report has identified 47 potentially dangerous glacial lakes (PDGLs) within the ...

22 Dec 2020 KDKH
Stakeholders call for more transboundary cooperation to address disaster risk in the Koshi River basin

Earlier this year, the South Asian floods of 2020 were declared a humanitarian crisis when millions across the subcontinent were ...