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Solar photovoltaic technology directly converts radiation from the sun into electricity using a physical process with no moving parts. It requires special solar voltaic panels, which are mounted on rooftops or poles to face the sun. Solar photovoltaic systems allow power to be stored and then used as required. They are ideal systems for small-scale end uses such as lighting, pumping water, and low temperature storage of medicine. This can be a viable alternative in remote mountainous locations where the normal grid is difficult to reach. At the Knowledge Park at Godavari, solar voltaic panels are used to supply power for lighting and for charging the battery used in the automatic meteorological data logger belonging to the on-site weather station.
What is an herb garden? An herb garden is often a dedicated space in a garden, devoted to growing a specific ...
Have you ever tried Yacon (ground apple)? We've been growing #Yacon at our Knowledge #Park in #Godavari since ...
Water is one of the basic necessities for life, and water scarcity is one of the most important ...
Planting and maintenance of shelter or protection belts is another important method of soil and water management. Shelter belts are ...
Different Approaches in the Different Physiographic Zones The site has an elevation range from 1,540 to 1,800 masl and ...
Below is an excerpt from Mr. Yeshi Dorji, Agricultural Officer of BCCI, Bhutan about the successful adoption of kiwi cultivation ...
Recently, ICIMOD embarked on a new project for biodiversity conservation and promotion: development of a useful ...
Hydropower is one of the most promising potential sources of energy in the HKH region. The possibilities range from large-scale ...