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11 Dec 2019 | Scientific research


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A plant nursery was established in the lower area of the site to ensure an adequate supply of plant material for the various trials, demonstration, and rehabilitation activities. Seeds can be tested for germination and emergence under controlled conditions, and the results of growing in a greenhouse or outdoors compared. The nursery is also used to maintain and propagate seeds and plant cuttings received from partners in ICIMOD’s member countries, and to grow seedlings (around 100,000 per year) specifically for distribution to project partners and farmers groups. Excess plants are sometimes sold.

11 Dec 2019 Water management
Contour Hedgerows of Nitrogen-fixing Plants and Shelter/Protection Belts to Reduce Runoff and Soil Loss

These methods are both soil management and water management methods. They are described there.

11 Dec 2019 Income generation
Productive Trees – Fodder trees, Paulownia

Multipurpose trees Multipurpose trees play an important role in mountain farming. Products from a tree can include leaves, fruits, ...

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Carbon monitoring

An inventory of carbon monitoring plots was conducted in May 2012 to establish a mechanism for long-term monitoring of forest ...

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Meteorological Monitoring

Agroclimatic conditions are extremely variable across the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, and microclimatescan have a major effect on the ...

Replication of #Godavari Technologies in Chukha District, #Bhutan

Below is an excerpt from Mr. Yeshi Dorji, Agricultural Officer of BCCI, Bhutan about the successful adoption of kiwi cultivation ...

Effective microorganisms (EM) technology and EM composting

'Effective microorganisms technology' is a method developed by Professor T. Higa of Japan in which a mixed culture of beneficial ...

11 Dec 2019 Water management
Water Management

Water is one of the basic necessities for life, and water scarcity is one of the most important ...

Cover crops

Cover crops are essential for #soil health and varieties of white clover, peanut plants and alfa-alfa are demonstrated at our ...