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21 Nov 2022 | Press releases

ICIMOD signs MoUs with AKF, UCA, and other partners to foster climate resilience in Bam-e-Dunya

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Policy makers, academics, development organisations, government agencies, and community representatives from all four countries in the HKPL – Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, and Tajikistan – shared their experiences of the rapid and extreme changes in their environments and livelihoods and pledged to work collaboratively towards climate resilience. (Photo: Jitendra Raj Bajracharya/ICIMOD)

Kathmandu, Nepal – 18 November 2022: Fostering cooperation on evidence-based policy making and promoting science and sharing of best practices in climate-resilient approaches are essential to address the urgent challenges of the climate, biodiversity, and pollution crises. On the ‘roof of the world’ – the Hindu Kush Karakoram Pamir Landscape (HKPL, also called Bam-e-Dunya) – this is even more significant given the rapid and extreme changes in environments and livelihoods across all four HKPL countries – Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, and Tajikistan.

To this end, during a two-day workshop, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF, Geneva), the University of Central Asia (UCA), and ICIMOD renewed their memorandum of understanding (MoU) to continue promoting sustainable development in the HKH. To further bolster this agreement, ICIMOD signed MoUs with Lanzhou University (China) and the AKF’s national chapters in Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan, as well as a letter of intent (LOI) with the Soni Jawari Center for Public Policy (SJCPP), Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.

During the workshop, policy makers, academics, development organisations, government agencies, and community representatives from all four HKPL countries agreed on the need to step up efforts towards climate resilience through evidence-based policy and decision making.

They also shared their experiences, drawing attention to the devastating floods of 2022 in Pakistan, which clearly highlighted the need for collaboration and investments in climate planning and resilience building. They identified an array of transboundary actions to be jointly implemented. Participants also discussed unique opportunities for collaboration to strengthen collective science–policy–practice initiatives focused on building the long-term resilience of communities living in the landscape. In line with these discussions, Gilgit-Baltistan’s Forest Department and the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography signed an MoU to jointly promote science and exchange of skills and knowledge on joint planning and management of adjoining protected areas.

“If you want to conserve biodiversity and restore ecosystems to build resilience, the time to act is now! We have to come together to discuss and agree on solutions. Let us join hands to protect the roof of the world!”
– Pema Gyamtsho, Director General, ICIMOD


Pema Gyamtsho, Apoorva Oza, Roy Sidle
Pema Gyamtsho (left), Director General of ICIMOD; Apoorva Oza (centre), Global Lead Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Resilience, AKF, Geneva; and Roy Sidle (right, joining virtually), Director, Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI), University of Central Asia (UCA) at the MoU signing in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo: Jitendra Raj Bajracharya/ICIMOD)


The HKPL houses highly fragile ecosystems, immense biodiversity, and unique communities. With climatic and anthropogenic factors exerting enormous pressure on the resources and way of life in the HKPL, these mountain areas require special attention and investments.

ICIMOD along with its partners works to build resilience in the landscape by cocreating science, engaging policy partners for change, and codeveloping solutions and best practices. This webinar and agreement laid the foundation for mutual exchanges, engagement, capacity building, and deeper partnerships that can complement decision-making processes and bring about transboundary solutions at scale.

For further information

Neraz Tuladhar, Media Officer, ICIMOD
+977 01-5275222, Ext. 115



We are ICIMOD – a unique regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge centre based in Nepal. We work on behalf of the people of the HKH and our eight Regional Member Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.

We aim to influence policy and practices to help the governments and communities of the HKH meet the region’s complex and increasing climate and environmental challenges while encouraging regional cooperation and collaboration for more sustainable mountain development.

We are committed to helping build a greener, more inclusive, climate-resilient HKH.


About AKF

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, not-for-profit, non-denominational, international development agency established in 1967 by His Highness the Aga Khan. AKF brings together human, financial, and technical resources to address some of the challenges faced by the poorest and most marginalised communities in the world.

With an emphasis on women and girls, AKF invests in human potential, expanding opportunities, and improving quality of life.

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