


To reduce rural poverty in the Hindu Kush Himalayas and enhance the resilience of the poor, especially women to social, economic and environmental change

  • To assess the impacts of socioeconomic and environmental change on the poor m mountain areas of HKH region and to identify appropriate adaptation mechanisms
  • To pilot test and validate innovative livelihood options (e.g. high value chains, harnessing remittances for microenterprise development) for the mountain poor to respond to socioeconomic and environmental challenges
  • To enhance capacities of partner institutions to respond to socioeconomic and environmental challenges through knowledge management and knowledge sharing.
  • Improved targeting, design of development interventions and policy refinements by national partners using results of the poverty and vulnerability assessments to enable the poor to adapt to and benefit from change
  • The poor and disadvantaged are better Integrated into markets through strengthened synergies between poor producers and the non-farm sector following the uptake of innovative, gender sensitive and pro-poor options (e.g. high value chains, harnessing remittances for microenterprise development) by IFAD loan projects and their partners
  • National partners better equipped to tailor Interventions for scaling up and refining policies and practices that enable the poor to respond to socioeconomic and environmental change
  • Targeting the poor and vulnerable in the mountain context
  • Promotion of innovative livelihood strategies
  • Enhancing capacities and integrated knowledge management
Geographical coverage
  • Bangladesh
  • India
  • Myanmar
  • Nepal

March 2014 to March 2017


Suman Bisht
Programme Coordinator, AdaptHimal