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3 Oct 2017 | News

Data Analyzing Skill Development for Nepal Partner

As part of its on-going efforts to build long-term and sustainable cryosphere monitoring in Nepal, two professionals from the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), attended on-job training on processing and analyzing glacier mass balance data at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain developed (ICIMOD) from 24 – 27 July, 2017.

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Niraj Shankar Pradhananga, Assistant Meteorologist and Nirakar Thapa, Hydrologist/DHM during their on-the-job-training at ICIMOD Photo: Chimi Seldon/ICIMOD

Nirakar Thapa, a hydrologist at DHM and Niraj Shankar Pradhananga, an assistant meteorologist at the department, processed and analyzed field data collected in Nepal by ICIMOD’s Cryosphere Monitoring Programme (CMP) since 2011. DHM has been involved in field activities carried out by CMP in Nepal since the very start of the programme.

The skill development training was the first of its kind for DHM. It will enable DHM to take a greater role in conducting field visits, collecting and analyzing data, generating knowledge on cryosphere, disseminating data, and conducting scientific reporting to the international data depository, World Glacier monitoring Service (WGMS).

Assistant Meteorologist Pradhananga says the skills acquired will add value to the way in which DHM conducts field research and executes expeditions. “As we are now familiar with the post processing of field data, we have better understanding of different parameters for field measurements. We can improve existing field plans and design field work to collect data to better understand all the contributing factors leading to glacial change,” he said.

Hydrologist Thapa said, “Acquiring and upgrading such skills can help us carry out long-term analysis of climate change impact. It can also help become a leading agency on glacier monitoring in Nepal.”

ICIMOD conducts field data collection and capacity building efforts in close collaboration with DHM through CMP. Kathmandu University, Tribhuvan University, and the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat are other collaborators for the programme.

The research sites include glaciers and headwaters in Langtang Valley and the Hidden Valley in Mustang, Nepal.

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5 Jun 2023 Press releases

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