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Nepal - ICIMOD Day 2011

Theme: Enhancing Climate Resilience and Adaptive Capacity in Nepal: Communicating Partnership Activities of ICIMOD and its Nepalese partners


Kathmandu, Nepal

Date & Time

11 March 2011 01 January 1970

The objective of this year’s


– ICIMOD Day scheduled on 11th March is to demonstrate and communicate the work ICIMOD is carrying out with and through its Nepalese partners in the field of climate change adaptation and resilience building inNepal

and the region. Over the past years, ICIMOD and its partners have strengthened their capacity in the field of climate change adaptation by jointly launching projects for example on water induced disaster risk reduction, livelihoods diversification, integrated watershed management and avoidance of deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), among others. ICIMOD staffs have become strongly involved in various initiatives from the community up to the national level linking up to the regional and global levels. Initiatives include ICIMOD’s involvement in the SIDA funded Project on “too much and too little water” and in the IFAD and ADB funded projects on long-term adaptation by poor and vulnerable communities across the Himalayas; ICIMOD’s support to different Nepalese Government agencies and NGO partners, such as by giving technical inputs to the NAPA development process in Nepal or by providing institutional support to the Mountain Initiative launched by the Government of Nepal. As well, at the regional level ICIMOD supports  the Bhutanese Government for the preparatory work leading to the Bhutan Climate Summit that  aims to endorse a Regional Adaptation Framework for the Eastern Himalayas through a summit level meeting of the head of the state or the governments of the four eastern Himalayan countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal.

During this year’s Nepal – ICIMOD Day, ICIMOD’s Nepalese partners jointly with ICIMOD staffs will present the key findings and the lessons learned from the ongoing ICIMOD partnership projects and programmes, communicating key design and implementation features, processes and initial results that can help inform, influence and refine Nepal’s programmes, plans and policies with regard to national climate change adaptation and resilience building. A multi-stakeholder panel composed of representatives of the government, donor community, civil society, private sector and ICIMOD will jointly discuss and reflect appropriate approaches for integrating climate change adaptation into the overall national and local development process.

Tentative Programme – Nepal-ICIMOD Day, ICIMOD Conference Hall

Friday 11 March 2011
Arrival of Guests 9:00 – 9:30
Opening session Welcome remarks:

Dr Andre`as Schild, Director General, ICIMOD, and Chief Guest Dr Jagadish Chandra Pokharel, Vice Chairman of the Nepal Planning Commission, Government of Nepal

9:30 – 9:45
Presentations Consolidated highlights of

ICIMOD’s work on enhancing climate change adaptation and resilience and discussion of accessible and applicable knowledge and good practices relevant for Nepal

Presenter –

Dr Madhav Karki, Deputy Director General (15 min.)

9:45 – 10:45
Partner presentation 1: (LI-BIRD) Community-level adaptation and resilience building through improved watershed/agro forestry management and livelihood diversification

(Presentation of the lessons learned from the ADB Himali and the IFAD Adapt Himal projects)

Presenter – Mr Keshab Thapa (20 min.)

Partner presentation 2: (ISET)

Local adaptation to water stress: Lessons from the ground and linking them with the policy level (Presentation on the collaboration with ISET with ICIMOD through the SIDA Project)

Presenter – Mr Ajaya Dixit

(20 min.)

Discussion Moderator: Dr Rajan Kotru, Action Area Team Leader, ICIMOD (30 min.) 10:45 – 11:15
Tea Break 11:15 – 11:45
Panel Discussion on approaches for integrating climate change adaptation into the overall development process

(5 min. inputs from panelists 30 min, discussion)

Panelists (max 5):

(Dr Michael Kollmair, Programme Manager),

– Government:
(Dr Ganesh R. JoshiMoE) (tbc)

– Development partners:

(Mr Simon LucasDFID), (Mr Jorn SorensonUNDP) (tbc)

– Representative of civil society:
(Ms Moushumi ShresthaPractical Action)

-Representative of private sector partner: (Dr Sandip ShahSN Power)

Moderator: Mr Daan Boom, Programme Manager, ICIMOD

11:45 – 12:45
Wrap-Up Dr Andreas Schild, Director General, ICIMOD 12:45 – 13:00
Concluding Remarks Dr Dinesh Devkota, Member NPC 13:00 – 13:10
Lunch ICIMOD Staff Cafeteria 13:15 – 14:00
Media Briefing Dr Madhav Karki, Deputy Director General, ICIMOD 14:00 – 14:30

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