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MRD Talk #06 | How can knowledge support restoration and conservation of mountain ecosystems for the benefit of people and nature? | 6 December 2023, 17:00 CET/UTC+1, on Zoom

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“Restoring mountain ecosystems” is the theme of this year’s International Mountain Day on 11 December. A few days ahead of this, MRD Talk #06 aims to contribute to this global effort by bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss how different types of knowledge can support evidence-informed restoration of mountain landscapes for resilient mountain communities.

Estefanía Quenta will provide insights into an analysis of mountain restoration activities. Tatenda Lemann will share experiences from the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies network. MRD author Devin Holterman will present his group’s findings on social science research priorities for a conservation initiative in North America, and Rob Marchant will underline the key role of evidence-informed policies based on collaborative research efforts in African mountains. In a discussion among all participants, we will explore how transformative knowledge is best generated, shared, and put into action.

MRD Talks are organized jointly by Mountain Research and Development (MRD) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) as part of the PRIMA project funded by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).

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Tags: MRD Talks

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