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17 Jul 2017 | SANDEE


On 1 July 2017, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) integrated the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) into its roster of research and knowledge generation services. According to ICIMOD’s Medium-Term Action Plan (MTAP-IV) 2018–2022, SANDEE will be part of ICIMOD’s Regional Programme VI, Mountain Knowledge and Action Networks. SANDEE’s branding, however, will remain intact.

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The extended SANDEE family at the 33rd Research and Training Workshop in Pokhara in 2016

SANDEE brings together researchers and practitioners from South Asian countries to address the region’s environmental development challenges. For 16 years, SANDEE has offered competitive research grants, intensive mentorship, training courses and workshops, and research publication support to hundreds of researchers who produce high quality research and peer-reviewed publications on the inter-linkages between economic development, poverty reduction, and environmental change. SANDEE also facilitates the interaction between researchers, policy makers, and practitioners through biannual research and training workshops.

Established in 1999 and hosted by ICIMOD since August 2009, SANDEE is a regional network that brings together researchers and decision-makers from different countries in South Asia to address their development-environment problems.

The SANDEE Secretariat at ICIMOD. Photo: Jitendra Bajracharya/ICIMOD

SANDEE’s mission is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions in South Asia to undertake research on the inter-linkages among economic development, poverty, and environmental change and to disseminate practical information that can be applied to development policies.

After its integration into ICIMOD, SANDEE will continue:

SANDEE will have an Advisory Committee of faculty advisors from different universities around the world for guiding research activities and a Steering Committee for providing technical and fundraising support.

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