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Café Climate

Café Climate: A Café Scientifique on 'Climate Change and Water'

The British Council in collaboration with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) presents Dr Garrett Kilroy, Coordinator – Koshi River Basin Programme, ICIMOD, at its second Café Scientifique in the Central and South Asian region. The discussion, organised in Kathmandu, Nepal, will be facilitated by Mr Pranay Rai of the British Council, Nepal.


Imago Dei Café, Nagpokhari, Kathmandu

Date & Time

25 March 2011 01 January 1970

Café Scientifique is a forum for the discussion of interesting scientific issues. These ‘Cafés’ are informal and accessible – much more so than a public lecture. The Café starts with a short talk from the speaker, usually a scientist or science writer, to introduce the topic. This is followed by an hour or so of questions and answers and general discussion. Garrett will explore the area of climate change and adaptation within a river basin context. He will discuss the use of integrated water resources management as a tool for climate change adaptation with examples in Europe and the Hindu-Kush Himalayan region.

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