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Nepal’s Minister of Population and Environment Jaya Dev Joshi and Officiating Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Environment Protection Man B Bishwokarma jointly launched three reports prepared as part of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) formulation process in Nepal at an event organized by the Ministry of Population and Environment (MoPE) on June 5 to celebrate World Environment Day 2017. The Support to Rural Livelihoods and Climate Change Adaptation in the Himalaya (Himalica) initiative of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) contributed substantially to the NAP process.
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The reports launched also available for downloading at are:
As the number of climate vulnerable people increases all over the world over time, it is important to prepare plans at the national level to adapt to medium- and long-term impacts of climate change by building the adaptive capacity and climate resilience of the vulnerable. Accordingly, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at its Sixteenth Session (CoP16) decided to formulate and implement NAPs. The overall goal of the NAP formulation process for Nepal is to improve the institutional capacity of the government to implement a climate resilient development plan in Nepal. The specific objective of this process is, however, two-fold:
The event, organized to mark World Environment Day 2017 with the theme “Connecting People to Nature”, was presided over by the President of Nepal, Bidhya Devi Bhandari
ICIMOD reached an agreement with MoPE—the focal ministry anchoring the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process—in 2016 to provide technical expertise and support to the NAP consultation process, as well as capacity building and regional exposure. The NAP process in Nepal is a joint effort of the government of Nepal and development partners. Practical Action, ICIMOD, CARE Nepal, and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have been supporting the government formulate the NAP.
Accordingly, Himalica has been providing support to four out of nine thematic sectors of the NAP process: 1) Forest and Biodiversity, 2) Water and Energy Resources, 3) Gender and Social Inclusion, and 4) Livelihood and Governance. Himalica has also supported work on climate trends and scenarios for all the nine sectors of the NAP process.
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