Nasir Ali Khan

Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Data and Information Management Specialist
Strategic planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning

Nasir Ali Khan is a Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Data, and Information Management Specialist at ICIMOD’s SPMEL Unit. He joined the organisation in 2024. Previously, he worked as a Management Information System Coordinator for 12 years with the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). During his tenure there, Nasir was involved in multi-donor programmes and projects across various regions of Pakistan. Nasir has a master’s in computer science from the University of Peshawar, Pakistan.

At ICIMOD, he is responsible for strengthening and upgrading the ICIMOD Result Dashboard for overall program and he has also developed a robust digital MIS system and live dashboard for various bilateral projects such as HI-REAP and GRAPE.

Nasir Ali Khan