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19 Jan 2015 | News

A team from NASA visits ICIMOD

A delegation from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)visited ICIMOD to discuss current and prospective areas for collaboration with ICIMOD. ICIMOD is implementing the Himalaya hub of SERVIR, a joint programme of NASA and USAID. The delegation, which was led by Michael Freilich, Director of NASA Earth Science Division, included Andy Parks, International Relations Officer; David Green, Disasters Program Manager; Tom Wagner, Cryosphere Program Scientist, Nancy Searby, NASA Applied Sciences Capacity Building Program Manager,  Ashutosh Limaye (SERVIR project scientist); and Eric Anderson (SERVIR Technical Point Contact for Himalayan Region).

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Inauguration of the newly established FABKA secretariat in Kathmandu. ICIMOD, 2019.
1. A delegation from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) visited ICIMOD to discuss current and prospective areas for collaboration with ICIMOD.

Basanta Shrestha, Director of Strategic Cooperation at ICIMOD, welcomed the team and briefed them about ICIMOD and its work in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. “We are pleased with ICIMOD’s ongoing partnership with NASA and would like to strengthen it further in the coming years to advance science and enhance understanding of mountain systems so that we can address the pressing challenges in the region,” said Basanta Shrestha. Dr Michael Freilich, Director of Earth Science Division, congratulated ICIMOD for its outstanding work and impressive track record in the region. He said that NASA is very pleased to partner with ICIMOD through SERVIR and broad earth system science portfolio.

The team visited SERVIR-Himalaya facility, where several online applications were demonstrated by the MENRIS team.

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