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19 Feb 2015 | News

HICAP’s Work on Gender Applauded at CRM Expert Working Group Meeting

At the Climate Risk Management (CRM) Expert Working Group Meeting held at the Park Village resort in Kathmandu on 8-9 September 2014, Dibya Gurung, Gender and Social Inclusion Specialist at Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (WOCAN), presented the findings of the scoping study on gender in Nepal carried out under ICIMOD’s Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation (HICAP) Programme (HICAP). The meeting was organized by the UNDP’s Integrated Climate Risk Management Programme and supported by the Government of Sweden. During the meeting, Ms Gurung

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A delegation from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) visited ICIMOD to discuss current and prospective areas for collaboration with ICIMOD.

The study focused on the multiple drivers of change impacting women in Nepal and women’s pivotal role in adaptation to climate change and management of natural resources. The study formed the basis of ICIMOD’s working paper ‘Women’s Empowerment at the Frontline of Adaptation: Emerging Issues, Adaptive Practices, and Priorities in Nepal’. The working paper was much appreciated for filling a major gap in existing knowledge on gender in relation to the impact of multiple drivers of change on women and women’s role in adaptation to climate change and managing natural resources. The findings of the study were also used in developing the training manual on ‘Integrating Gender Equality and Social Inclusion into Disaster/Climate Risk Management’ for UNDP/Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA). The manual will be released during the first week of December 2014.

Based on the lessons drawn from the scoping study, two trainings on ‘Integrating Gender in Disaster Risk Management’ were provided to MoHA’s Emergency Operation Centre focal points and first responders (Nepal ArmyNepal Police and Armed Police Force) and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) focal points, as well as to project staff and government counterparts of the Community Based Flood and Glacial Lake Outburst Risk Reduction Project jointly implemented by the UNDP and the government’s Department of Meteorology and Hydrology.

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