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Mountain Research and Development Vol 44, No 1 available online and open access

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Photo: Arif Pandit

A study across all Andean countries details how immigration in the region is linked to an increase in exotic plant species, posing challenges for sustainable management of local ecosystems and biodiversity reservoirs. Research into the heterogeneity of Swiss alpine summer farms provides a typology to support the development of tailored policies toward sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation. Finally, a comprehensive review of the state of pastoralism and related policies and initiatives in Changthang, Ladakh, shows that integrated strategies that include regulated grazing practices, respect pastoralists’ stewardship, and are guided by impact monitoring are key to sustaining this age-old production system and culture.

The issue is available online and open access:

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The MRD Editorial Team
MRD Editorial Office, University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment

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