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International conference: Environmental protection, modernisation, and sustainable development in mountain regions


SG1 & SG2


Kathmandu, Nepal

Date & Time

28 July 2024 to 03 August 2024

Deadline for abstract submission: 20 June 2024

Read in chinese

About the conference

The Sub-Society on Mountain Research of the Geographical Society of China in collaboration with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and Central Department of Geography, Tribhuvan University is hosting the 2024 International Conference on ‘Environmental protection, modernisation, and sustainable development in mountain regions’. This conference aims to draw attention of mountain science researchers to the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region and foster expanded research collaboration and partnerships across the region. We extend a warm invitation to scientists, educators, and management experts to participate actively.


Mountains are an integral component of ecological protection, serving as important repositories of natural resources, and treasures of biodiversity. However, their rugged terrain engenders unstable slopes, delicate ecosystems, and multitude of hazards, including landslides, avalanches, and flash floods. Coupled with climate change and human activities, this complexity poses significant challenges, this complexity poses significant challenges. The HKH region stands as a representative domain for studying mountain ecology, resources, environment, disasters, and development. Yet, its environmental protection and sustainable development confront formidable hurdles. This region acts as a natural crucible and representative domain for studying mountain ecology, resources, environment, disasters, and development.

Topics covered

  1. Formation, evolution, risk, and prevention of mountain hazards
  2. Mountain and water resources, livelihood, environmental change, and ecological management
  3. Geospatial technology, monitoring, and information integration of mountain landscape
  4. Modern innovation integration and sustainable development in mountain regions



We invite abstract submissions, not exceeding 300 words, by scholars from the HKH regions and beyond that look at the following or closely related topics:

  1. Formation, evolution, risk, and prevention of mountain hazards, e.g., cascading mountain hazard chains
  2. Mountain and water resources, livelihood, environmental change, and ecological management, e.g., nexus of water-energy-food systems in mountain regions
  3. Geospatial technology, monitoring, and information integration of mountain landscape, e.g., mountain land use land cover change
  4. Modern innovation integration and sustainable development in mountain regions, e.g., innovative tools and technologies; regional and transboundary cooperation
Submission of abstracts

Abstract format:

  1. Presentation title
  2. Author(s) (name and affiliations)
  3. Email address(es)
  4. Abstract text (maximum 300 words)
  5. Keywords (4-5)
Submission guidelines
  • Selected presenters at the conference will receive email notification of the acceptance of the abstracts
  • Upon confirming their participation following the timeline suggested, presenters must arrange their own travel to and accommodation in Kathmandu. The conference organiser(s) do not provide any financial and/or practical assistance.
  • The conference does not demand any full version of the paper(s). However, at a post-conference stage, the organiser(s) intend to collect suitable revised papers and findings of the Conference and publish them in an edited volume
  • Abstracts should be submitted to this email, following the instructions below:
  • In the email’s subject box: Author’s last name followed by “Abstract_SMDC”. Example: “Smith_Abstract_SMDC”
  • Abstract submission deadline is 20 June 2024
Conference papers

Outstanding graduate student presentations will be selected. Based on the conference presentations, excellent content will be published in the Journal of Mountain Science.

Important dates
20 June 2024 Conference registration and abstract submission deadline
30 June 2024 Notification of acceptance
10 July 2024 Confirmation of participation
28-30 July 2024 Conference (excluding field visit)
Post-conference field activity routes (voluntary and self-funded)

Route 1: Investigation of mountain disasters along the China-Nepal Highway (2-day itinerary)

Route 2: Natural and cultural exploration of the Kathmandu Valley (2-day itinerary)

Route 3: Natural landscape investigation in Pokhara Valley (3-day itinerary)

Conference practicality contacts
Dil Kumar Rai


Bishal Gurung


Wen Linqiu


Hu Ying

Geographical Society of China (GSC) – Sub-Society on Mountain Research

Organisers: Geographical Society of China (GSC) – Sub-Society on Mountain Research
Co-organisers: Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMHE-CAS); Yangtze University (Wuhan, China); International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD); and Central Department of Geography, Tribhuvan University
Supporting organisations: Kathmandu Center for Research and Education, CAS-TU; Sichuan International Science and Technology Cooperation (South Asia) Research Institute; and CN-ICIMOD

Conference organisation committee
  • Chen Ningsheng, Professor, Yangtze University (Wuhan, China) and IMHE-CAS, Chair of Geographical Society of China (GSC) – Sub-Society on Mountain Research
  • Xiong Donghong, Professor, IMHE-CAS
  • Zhao Wei, Professor, IMHE-CAS
  • Hu Ying, IMHE-CAS
  • Umesh Kumar Mandal, Professor and Head, Central Department of Geography, Tribhuvan University
  • Narendra Raj Khanal, Professor, Central Department of Geography, Tribhuvan University
  • Arun Bhakta Shrestha, Group Lead, Strategic Group on Reducing Climate and Environmental Risks, ICIMOD
  • Yi Shaoliang, Intervention Manager, Rangelands Intervention, ICIMOD
  • Liu Rongkun, Analyst and Indus Koshi China Focal Point, ICIMOD
  • Wen Linqiu, IMHE-CAS
  • Dil Kumar Rai, IMHE-CAS