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Sustainable and Affordable Solutions (SAS) for Climate Resilient Agriculture of Smallholder Farmers in South Asia




Kathmandu, Nepal

Date & Time

28 July 2024 to 31 July 2024

Organisers: ICIMOD, SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), Welthungerhilfe (WHH)

About the training

The SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), in collaboration with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and Welthungerhilfe (WHH), Country Program Nepal, are organizing a regional training aimed at building capacity on sustainable and affordable solutions in climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) for smallholder farmers in South Asia and the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. The focus will be on showcasing solutions for resilience building in mountain communities, with a particular emphasis on nature-based solutions. The training will provide a platform for learning and experience sharing on Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAS).

This event will facilitate regional dissemination of knowledge and strengthen market linkages between technology/solution providers, distributors, and users. Additionally, the program will enhance outreach for the uptake of SAS in policy and practice as well as in higher education, training, and research.


The participants will include national focal point experts (government representatives) from SAARC member states, community facilitators, and farmer representatives from the HKH and south Asian countries.


  • Share knowledge, practices, contextual factors, key drivers, and markers of resilience building among government stakeholders and farmers.
  • Improve the capacity of participants on climate-resilient agricultural practices and approaches.
  • Document the best practices on climate resilient agriculture.

Expected output

Upon completion of the training, the participants will have a better understanding of practices, factors, markers and drivers in climate resilient agriculture as well as CRA approaches and practices.


The training approach will be interactive and participatory, encouraging participants to actively share their experiences, perspectives, and insights on climate change, adaptation, and resilience practices. It aims to enhance participants’ understanding of global climate change frameworks and their alignment with national policies and plans. The sessions will provide a platform for exchanging ideas and lessons on how simple and cost-effective technologies and solutions can enhance resilience and mitigate climate risks at the local level. Various tools such as handouts, PowerPoint presentations, case studies, group work, and audio-visual aids will be utilized to facilitate interactive lectures and discussions.


Agriculture is the main source of livelihood option for majority of people, across South Asia, and the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. These communities heavily depend on agriculture particularly the cultivated and wild food crops and livestock for sustaining their daily lives and livelihoods. In recent decades, interest of younger generation towards farming is decreasing due to climatic uncertainties and associated extreme effects on production, poor access to inputs and resources, and market price volatility. The increased competition in the market with substitute products and changing aspiration of younger generation to move out of the villages to seek off-farm occupation poses a challenge to the sustainability of agricultural system. It is therefore important to understand the impact of climate and other changes in agriculture and make it more lucrative to local communities, particularly to younger generation, to retain their engagement in the agriculture sector.

Over the last few decades resilient solutions approaches and practices have been gaining attention with the emergence of new risks and vulnerability ranging from climate change, increased incidence of natural hazards, migration and market price fluctuation. SAC, ICIMOD, and WHH have organized this regional training to exchange knowledge and improve capacity of participants on sustainable and affordable solutions to mitigate impacts of climate change in agriculture and improve the resilience and sustainability in agricultural ecosystems.