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Bhutan is hosting the forty-ninth Board of Governors (BoG) meeting of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Thimphu. The country is a founding member of ICIMOD and the Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Dasho Rinzin Dorji, currently serves as its Board Chair. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF) serves as the Centre’s focal agency in Bhutan.
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ICIMOD works for the advancement of mountain people in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. It is governed by its BoG, which consists of one representative each from its eight regional member countries (RMC)—Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan. The ICIMOD Board also consists of independent members nominated by the ICIMOD Support Group (ISG) based on their expertise and professional experience.
ICIMOD engages in information and knowledge generation and sharing. It fosters regional cooperation to find integrated and innovative solutions to critical mountain problems. As a part of the Board event, ICIMOD and Bhutan will celebrate Partners’ Day to strengthen ICIMOD’s engagement and enhance its partnerships in Bhutan. As an RMC, Bhutan contributes to ICIMOD’s core support fund.
The BoG meeting will review the Centre’s progress, policies, and strategies. Other ICIMOD committee meetings—namely the Financial Committee, the ICIMOD Support Group (ISG), and the Programme Advisory Committee meetings—are set to be held prior to the board meeting.
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