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3 Apr 2017 | Uncategorized

International Women’s Day 2017“Be Bold for Change” 8 March 2017, Islamabad

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Earlier this month, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) celebrated International Women’s Day 2017 in collaboration with the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI), LEAD Pakistan, the Hashoo Foundation, and Technology Times. The programme aimed to raise awareness about gender equality and to recognize, respect and facilitate women’s leadership in the region.

Ms. Marvi Memon, Chairperson of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) attended the program as a chief guest. More than 200 were in attendance, including 90% women. The celebration activities included presentations, documentaries, and speeches by students of IIUI.

Experts from the participating organizations spoke about the need to empower women to improve their standing and satisfaction in every sphere of life for social and economic life. Dr. Abdul Wahid Jasra, the ICIMOD country representative, shared a message from Director General, David Molden and extended his gratitude to all the women who made the event successful with their presence.

Students of IIUI delivered speeches on the theme of “Be Bold for Change”. The program ended with certificate distribution to the students followed by a shield distribution to the event partners.

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