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30 Sep 2016 | News

Demystifying Hydrogeology at the 43rd IAH Congress, in Montpellier, France

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Water is a primary life-giving resource, and its availability is an essential component in socioeconomic development and poverty reduction .The Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) are the source of countless perennial rivers, but paradoxically a substantial number of mountain populations largely depend on spring water for their sustenance. Springs play an important role in the daily lives of thousands of communities in the hills and mountains of the HKK. Water scarcity is expected to be a major challenge for most of the region due to increased water demand and lack of good management.

On the 60th anniversary of the IAH (International Association of Hydrogeologists), the French and German chapters of this organization, hosted a congress from the 25th to the 29th of September, 2016. The theme for this year’s congress was “groundwater and society”. In this context, HI-AWARE’s current research interests lie in the co-development of an eight-step methodological process to better manage springs. Why is this important?


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