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11 Dec 2015 | Water

Springshed Management in the Himalayas

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ICIMOD in association with The Mountain Institute, India and Rural Management and Development Department (Dhara Vikas Programme) Govt. of Sikkim – India and Advanced Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWDAM) brought together key stakeholders from the region linked to water resources and springs management in Gangtok, Sikkim from 23- 26 November 2015.

The workshop on ‘Springshed Management in Himalayas’ was held in Gangtok, Sikkim involving partners from India and Nepal. The aim of the event was to bring ICIMOD partners working on springshed management together and familiarise them on integrated work on spring research and to develop a common understanding on the significance of springs and the methodologies required for further action research.  The three-day event consisted of an opening session which was inaugurated by the state minister of Rural Management and Development Department (Govt. of Sikkim), followed by knowledge sharing of springs management from various regions in India. Group work to finalise methodology and plans was followed by a day’s field visit to South Sikkim to share learnings and processes on spring revival. ICIMOD will continue to pursue to scale out springshed management to other countries and programmes in the broader ‘Himalayan Springs Initiative’.

For Further information contact:

Mr. Nawraj Pradhan (

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