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14 Dec 2015 | Uncategorized

World Water Week 2016: ICIMOD Will be There. Will You?

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ICIMOD will be co-convening one of the eight 2016 World Water Week core seminars titled ‘Ecosystem degradation and livelihoods: moving from vicious to virtuous cycles’.  For those interested in presenting their research work on the conundrum of economic growth and water’s role in healthy mountain ecosystem at World Water Week, abstract submis-sions are now open up to 24 January from all disciplines.

Please read more about Seminar # 4 and how to submit in the call for abstracts in the following web link.
World Water Week will take place 27 August-2 September in 2016 in Stockholm. The focus for the 2016 conference will be ‘Water and Sus-tainable Growth’. The programme of World Water Week is currently un-der development and will comprise over 200 sessions covering critical water and development issues.

Please do not hesitate to communicate with ICIMOD. Contact Dr S M Wahid, for further information.

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