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11 Dec 2019 | Water management

Drip Irrigation

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Photo: Jitendra Raj Bajracharya/ICIMOD.

Drip irrigation is a method that aims to provide only as much water to plants as they need, and only where they need it, thus reducing losses from run-off and evaporation. Drip irrigation is demonstrated off-site in a farmer’s field in Tripeni village. Easy drip irrigation is also known as trickle irrigation or micro-irrigation, it enhances water use efficiency in row crops (vegetables, tea, coffee, and other soft fruits) and vine crops where one or more emitters can be provided for each plant. It can minimize leaching and fertilizer and nutrient loss. It can also maintain moisture within the root zone of the plant.

11 Dec 2019 Community outreach
Distribution of material – seed and seedlings

Large amounts of seeds and seedlings of useful plants from ICIMOD’s plant nursery have been distributed to farmers and farmers ...

When and how to fertilize #Kiwi plants?

Fertilizing kiwi plants is an important part of their care and ensures a bumper crop and delicious kiwi fruit. The ...

11 Dec 2019 Water management
Contour Hedgerows of Nitrogen-fixing Plants and Shelter/Protection Belts to Reduce Runoff and Soil Loss

These methods are both soil management and water management methods. They are described there.

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Biomass Study

A timeline study of the total biomass and the biodiversity per unit area at different sites is being carried out ...

11 Dec 2019 Water management
Stone-Lined and Grass-Lined Waterways

Lining waterways is one way of reducing soil losses through seepage and preventing erosion of the waterway bed. Stone or ...

Vegetation management

At the time that ICIMOD established the Godavari site, the land had been reduced to almost completely degraded ...

18 Dec 2020 Vegetation management
Vegetable cultivation in green house

You might know what a #greenhouse is. But did you know that you can build a ...

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Support functions and scientific sesearch

Some general activities are carried out at the Knowledge Park at Godavari to support the trials and other activities; ...