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11 Dec 2019 | Water management

Gravity sprinkler irrigation

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Water from the reservoirs passes through high-density polythene pipes laid-out with hydrants in different experimental plots and nurseries covering approximately five hectares of land. The force of the gravitational flow is sufficient to activate simple sprinklers without additional power. These are used to irrigate different field plots. The sprinkler irrigation system helps reduce run-off and soil loss.

23 Oct 2020 Income generation
Fibre plants plantation and demonstration

We are proud to collaborate with Nepal Knotcraft Centre to establish a fiber plant species demonstration ...

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Carbon monitoring

An inventory of carbon monitoring plots was conducted in May 2012 to establish a mechanism for long-term monitoring of forest ...

11 Dec 2019 Soil management
Conservation farming

The basic principle of conservation tillage is to maintain a cover on the soil surface of residues (mulching) or vegetation ...

Vegetation management

At the time that ICIMOD established the Godavari site, the land had been reduced to almost completely degraded ...

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Soil Erosion Monitoring

Detailed scientific research is carried out at the site to acquire better information about the conditions that favour or hinder ...

Hydropower and Water Pumps

Hydropower is one of the most promising potential sources of energy in the HKH region. The possibilities range from large-scale ...

11 Dec 2019 Biodiversity
Biodiversity Conservation: Development of Swampy Wetland Area

Recently, ICIMOD embarked on a new project for biodiversity conservation and promotion: development of a useful ...

Installation of new tipping bucket in Meteorological station

We're excited to have added this new technology to the park! A tipping bucket rain gauge is the most common type ...