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A plant nursery was established in the lower area of the site to ensure an adequate supply of plant material for the various trials, demonstration, and rehabilitation activities. Seeds can be tested for germination and emergence under controlled conditions, and the results of growing in a greenhouse or outdoors compared. The nursery is also used to maintain and propagate seeds and plant cuttings received from partners in ICIMOD’s member countries, and to grow seedlings (around 100,000 per year) specifically for distribution to project partners and farmers groups. Excess plants are sometimes sold.
Multipurpose trees Multipurpose trees play an important role in mountain farming. Products from a tree can include leaves, fruits, ...
Soil erosion, soil degradation and declining soil fertility are widely regarded as major problems threatening the sustainable use ...
Some general activities are carried out at the Knowledge Park at Godavari to support the trials and other activities; ...
Our ICIMOD Knowledge Park in #Godavari is a treasure trove of flora and fauna and we’ve ...
Taking vegetables to a third dimension seems like the stuff of sci-fi movies, but in reality there are very effective ...
Alder (Utis) Pollarding What is pollarding? #Pollarding is a pruning system involving the removal of the upper ...
Wetlands are important because they provide habitat for thousands of species of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. Wetlands are ...
Planting and maintenance of shelter or protection belts is another important method of soil and water management. Shelter belts are ...