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11 Dec 2019 | Scientific research


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A plant nursery was established in the lower area of the site to ensure an adequate supply of plant material for the various trials, demonstration, and rehabilitation activities. Seeds can be tested for germination and emergence under controlled conditions, and the results of growing in a greenhouse or outdoors compared. The nursery is also used to maintain and propagate seeds and plant cuttings received from partners in ICIMOD’s member countries, and to grow seedlings (around 100,000 per year) specifically for distribution to project partners and farmers groups. Excess plants are sometimes sold.

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Biomass Study

A timeline study of the total biomass and the biodiversity per unit area at different sites is being carried out ...

11 Dec 2019 Water management
Stone-Lined and Grass-Lined Waterways

Lining waterways is one way of reducing soil losses through seepage and preventing erosion of the waterway bed. Stone or ...

Renewable Energy Technology

Access to sources of energy is still a major limiting factor to sustainable development in may part of ...

11 Dec 2019 Biodiversity
Collection, Identification and Conservation of Orchids, and Wild Edible and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Research and vegetation management on the site is not confined to trees and bushes. A focused effort is being made ...

11 Dec 2019 Community outreach
Community outreach – off-site demonstrations and training and provision of materials

From the very beginning, we have focused on developing a variety of approaches for sharing the knowledge and ...

11 Dec 2019 Water management
Various water harvesting ways

Natural Spring Water Harvesting There is a natural spring on the site at the Sungure Khola Chiso Pani Dhara. ...

11 Dec 2019 Income generation

Farmers benefit greatly from honeybees. They produce honey and other bee products which can be sold, consumed, or used as ...

11 Dec 2019 Water management
Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is a method that aims to provide only as much water to plants as they need, and only ...