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11 Dec 2019 | Scientific research

Support functions and scientific sesearch

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Some general activities are carried out at the Knowledge Park at Godavari to support the trials and other activities; to provide the accurate information needed to enable proper interpretation of results; and to provide basic scientific information on important problems that affect mountain farming and natural resource management on a broad scale.

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Carbon monitoring

An inventory of carbon monitoring plots was conducted in May 2012 to establish a mechanism for long-term monitoring of forest ...

23 Oct 2020 Income generation
Fibre plants plantation and demonstration

We are proud to collaborate with Nepal Knotcraft Centre to establish a fiber plant species demonstration ...

11 Dec 2019 Livestock and fish
Livestock and Fish

Livestock are an integral component of the mixed farming system practiced by the great majority of farmers in ...

Renewable Energy Technology

Access to sources of energy is still a major limiting factor to sustainable development in may part of ...

Cover crops

Cover crops are essential for #soil health and varieties of white clover, peanut plants and alfa-alfa are demonstrated at our ...

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Transboundary air pollution station

ICIMOD, as a UNEP GRID node, is a partner with UNEP, the Scripps Institute of Oceanography at the University of ...

11 Dec 2019 Community outreach
Distribution of material – seed and seedlings

Large amounts of seeds and seedlings of useful plants from ICIMOD’s plant nursery have been distributed to farmers and farmers ...

11 Dec 2019 Soil management
Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT)

Sloping agricultural land technology (SALT), otherwise known as contour hedgerow intercropping (agroforestry) technology (CHIAT), is a system in which dense ...