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ICIMOD, as a UNEP GRID node, is a partner with UNEP, the Scripps Institute of Oceanography at the University of California, and others in the Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) Project, a collaborative programme on transboundary air pollution with a system of strategically located ground-based observatories in the Indo-Asian and Pacific regions. ICIMOD hosts a radiation and aerosol measurement station at the Headquarters site, and a rainwater and aerosol measurement station at Godavari. The measurements taken at Godavari will help improve understanding of the composition, origin, and properties of the carbonaceous fraction of the aerosols distributed across the Asian region. Samples of particulate matter are being collected, and analysed for black and organic carbon at the University of Wisconsin, USA. The rainwater and aerosol measurement samples are analysed at the Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University (MISU), Sweden, to identify the characteristics of particulate matter in both air and rain. The research will contribute to understanding of the impact of global climate change on agriculture, human health, and the water cycle in the mountain ecosystem.
An inventory of carbon monitoring plots was conducted in May 2012 to establish a mechanism for long-term monitoring of forest ...
Hydropower is one of the most promising potential sources of energy in the HKH region. The possibilities range from large-scale ...
Alder (Utis) Pollarding What is pollarding? #Pollarding is a pruning system involving the removal of the upper ...
Green manure is a growing cover crop of annual plants (or other growing plant material) that is dug into the ...
Water from the reservoirs passes through high-density polythene pipes laid-out with hydrants in different experimental plots and nurseries covering approximately five ...
Beehive briquetting technology This technique is an adaptation of methods used to produce charcoal for ...
Polythene film technology (PFT) Polythene (plastic) film technology (PFT) is a method for increasing production of field crops by ...
Detailed scientific research is carried out at the site to acquire better information about the conditions that favour or hinder ...