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A trombe wall keeps rooms warm in winter and cool in summer! We demonstrate a simple trombe wall in the park and hope others will be inspired by the great potential of this #technology especially in mountain areas for heating and cooling living spaces using the sun’s #energy.
The #trombe wall is a south-facing masonry wall with a layer of glass spaced a few inches away. #Sunlight passes through the glass and is absorbed and stored by the wall. The outside wall is painted black to increase its absorptive capacity. The inside, or discharge surface, of the #TrombeWall can be painted white to enhance lighting efficiency within the space. However, the outside large dark walls sheathed in glass must be carefully designed for both proper performance and aesthetics.
#Solar #radiation is absorbed by the blackened surface and stored as heat in the wall. Air, in the space between the glazing and the wall, gets heated up and enters the living space through upper vents. Cooler room passes through the lower vents, thus establishing a natural circulation pattern. This technology is especially useful in the #mountains where the temperature is very low in #winter.
Livestock are an integral component of the mixed farming system practiced by the great majority of farmers in ...
A plant nursery was established in the lower area of the site to ensure an adequate ...
Biofencing/Live Fencing Live fences are lines of trees or shrubs planted on farm or field boundaries that provide protection against cattle ...
Alder (Utis) Pollarding What is pollarding? #Pollarding is a pruning system involving the removal of the upper ...
Lining waterways is one way of reducing soil losses through seepage and preventing erosion of the waterway bed. Stone or ...
These methods are both soil management and water management methods. They are described there.
At the time that ICIMOD established the Godavari site, the land had been reduced to almost completely degraded ...
'Effective microorganisms technology' is a method developed by Professor T. Higa of Japan in which a mixed culture of beneficial ...