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Mountain Research and Development Vol 44, No 2 available online and open access

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Photo: Max Klein

In this open issue, a scoping review pinpoints research gaps on settlement systems in mountain regions around the world. A study in the Ecuadorian Andes reveals that farmers value a landscape’s social and ecological services equally when deciding where to grow a crop. An experimental auction in Italy shows that a European Union quality term for mountain wines could help support wine growers who invest in sustainable practices; and a comparative study of climate adaptation practices in two conflict-affected mountain areas in Africa points up interesting parallels and differences.

The issue is available online and open access:

Note that other issues are starting to fill up as well:

Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines, and submission procedure at:

The MRD Editorial Team

MRD Editorial Office, University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment

Tags: mrd

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