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The Women Empowerment through Renewable Energy Powered Decentralised Lift Irrigation Systems in Bhutan (WERELIS – Bhutan) project, funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC), Canada, is being jointly implemented by ICIMOD and the Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Royal Government of Bhutan.
This project aims to generate evidence on the economic, environmental, social, and gender (equality) impacts of renewable energy (RE)-powered lift irrigation systems to support their wider adoption. By demonstrating how greener technologies can enhance agricultural productivity, WERELIS seeks to create employment opportunities for women, reduce emissions, and promote environmental sustainability.
As a key component of the project ICIMOD plans to pilot two solar-powered lift irrigation systems, showcasing their relevance and viability for (i) improving irrigation access; and (ii) in enabling women to leverage new income opportunities as service providers and business development managers by training them in operation and maintenance/ management of these systems.
For this purpose, ICIMOD invites sealed bid proposals from reputable and qualified firms for the supply and installation of two solar photovoltaic (PV) lift irrigation systems. The scope of work includes turnkey services—design, supply, installation, and/ commissioning (including training of local operators for proper system use). The installations will take place in two locations in Bhutan: (i) Humpatang (Ngyedrupchu), Chhubu Gewog, Punakha, and (ii) Temakha, Chhubu Gewog, Punakha.
Interested suppliers may submit their sealed bid proposals to Procurement Unit of ICIMOD. The hardcopies of the sealed bid must be submitted to ICIMOD in the address provided for the international bidders. For Bhutanese bidders, the sealed bids to be submitted to Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Thimphu Bhutan. Proposals must be submitted as per the RFP guidelines by 5 PM BST (Bhutanese firms) / 5 PM NST (international firms), 21 March 20025. Two separate sealed envelopes containing technical and financial proposals should be submitted in a single sealed envelope. ICIMOD reserves the right to accept or reject any proposals without explanation.
For further information, please refer to the detailed RFP document.
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