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14 Sep 2022 | CBFEWS

Every Minute Counts: Growing Community Ownership of Flood Early Warning Systems in Nepal

Sharmila Dhungana

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Community-operated warnings: Way to minimise flood damage

Local management of CBFEWS can be highly advantageous: the whole community may be involved, ...

11 Aug 2021 Nepal
What can the past teach us about the future?

Experiences from documenting disaster preparedness of mountain communities in Langtang, Nepal   [caption id="attachment_35078" align="alignnone" width="924"]

10 Dec 2021 Gender
The gendered impacts of indoor air pollution in Nepal’s Koshi basin

Energy poverty and gender Energy is essential for survival – and for progress and prosperity. It is a prerequisite for human ...

31 Dec 2017 Cryosphere
A flood of evidence

Galongco Lake sits at the foot of an unnamed glacier within the Himalayan mountain range in China, close to its ...