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Turbocharging green start-ups in Nepal

Anshu Pandey

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Photo: Jitendra Raj Bajracharya/ICIMOD.
Invest in tourism for greater climate resilience in mountain destinations: Tourism-climate change stocktake 2023

Chapter four of the Tourism Panel on Climate Change Stocktake report has a dedicated section that brings in the perspective ...

A youth champion for climate-resilient agriculture in western Nepal

At a time when many young people are abandoning agriculture, young farmer Bindu Sahi inspires others to seek simple and ...

13 May 2024 Livelihoods
Yaks, yartsa, and yarns: changing lives and climate in the highlands of Bhutan

As the world grapples with the repercussions of a warming planet, it is the mountain communities, such as the yak ...

Nature’s pharmacy: Exploring the herbal riches of Bhutan’s highlands

We were surrounded by a wealth of highly prized medicinal plants and herbs as we walked through Jigme Dorji National ...

Exploring the heart of Jumla through its farming systems

My journey to Tatopani Municipality in Jumla was more than just a field visit; it was an eye-opening experience that ...

Foresight: Translating future uncertainty into present-day choices

In times marked by uncertainty and looming threats, foresight emerges as an essential tool to anticipate potential risks such as ...