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Twenty-five participants took part in ‘Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Training’ training in Surkhet 17-21 September 2016 as a capacity development intervention under the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development’s (ICIMOD) regional programme Improving Livelihoods and Enhancing Resilience of the Rural Poor in the Hindu Kush Himalayas to Environmental and Socio-economic Changes (AdaptHimal).
The importance of entrepreneurship development cannot be overlooked in driving the economy of a country. Entrepreneurship development helps people bring new ideas to the marketplace and creates opportunities. In Nepal, the development of entrepreneurship is even more important for generating employment and regional growth. AdaptHimal promotes value chain through partner collaboration and develops mountain products and services which create adaptation strategies providing alternative livelihood options for mountain people. The training builds capacity for enterprise development, business planning, identify major supporters, areas to link with financial institutions, interventions for local level development activities under existing goat value chain.
Participants learned about entrepreneurship and business development, product development and marketing, financial planning, record keeping, and business registration. Participants were divided in to four groups as per value chain functions such as input supplies, production, market and policy. As participants came from three different districts, they exchanged views and experiences with each other regarding their own business and future plans.
‘Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Training’ provides partners information on enterprise development, the importance of the business plan, entrepreneurship and potential for employment generation, improving living standards for higher economic growth.
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