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19 Jan 2018 | Announcements

Call for papers: Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Mountains

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Call for Papers

Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Mountains

Mountains and mountain communities are critically affected by climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will include a cross-chapter paper on mountains in its 6th Assessment Report. Mountain Research and Development (MRD) is looking for papers that systematically assess novel adaptation practices and present well-researched insights into implications of climate change relevant to adaptation. Synthesis papers comparing case studies within and across different mountain regions are of particular interest, as MRD aims to contribute to the IPCC’s assessment effort and to inform development policies. Extended abstracts are due by 19 January 2018, full papers by 15 August 2018.

Read the detailed call for papers:

Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines and submission procedure at:

The MRD Editorial Team
MRD Editorial Office
University of Bern
Centre for Development and Environment

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