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16 Apr 2015 | News

Celebrating world water day

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The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), in collaboration with various national and international organizations, celebrated World Water Day 2015 on 27 March 2015 at the Planning Commission office of Pakistan.

The event aimed to sensitize key stakeholders on critical water issues and challenges, advocate for the formulation and approval of a National Water Policy, and build consensus for the adoption of Islamabad Water Day Declaration 2015. Sardar Muhammad Tariq, Chief Executive of Pakistan Water Partnership, delivered a message from the President of Pakistan, which highlighted that investments in water and sanitation services result in substantial economic gains. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the World Youth Parliament for Water and Pakistan Youth Parliament for Water.

Dr Abdul Wahid Jasra, Country Representative of ICIMOD-Pakistan, delivered the message of Dr David Molden, Director General of ICIMOD, and thanked the participants for their support to World Water Day 2015.
Working groups comprising youth delegates and experts from the partner organizations brainstormed various water issues and came up with recommendations. ICIMOD facilitated the group discussion on climate change impacts on water towers in the HKH Region. The event concluded with group presentations and handing out of certificates and conference souvenirs to the youth leaders and conference partners.
Meanwhile, in Nepal, ICIMOD supported and participated in Nepal National Water Week 2015 organized by Small Earth Nepal in collaboration with the Ministry of Water and Energy, Government of Nepal, on 17 March 2015. A photo exhibition, on Water and Sustainable Development in the Hindu Kush Himalayas, was organized to observe the Water Week Programme in Kathmandu.

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