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Utsav Maden
0 mins Read
Satellites provide a synoptic overview of our world. This overview is particularly useful in understanding our environments better. However, satellite data is voluminous; processing them for desired outcomes requires skilled users and high computational and storage capacity. Furthermore, optical satellite remote sensing requires cloudless, well-illuminated areas for quality data.
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Programme title ICIMOD/SERVIR-HKH Small Grants Programme Announcement type: Request for proposal RFP ...
However, EO and GIT concepts are still rudimentary or non-existent in school curricula across the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, ...
To mitigate the food security and economic risks of South Asia's frequent and intense droughts, scientists and policymakers from
Twenty-five women from across Nepal and Australia joined in on morning conference calls for four days in May 2020 with ...
In light of these challenges, the ICIMOD convened a regional knowledge forum on early warning for floods and high-impact weather ...